New Year Greetings from GBNI President
Aspire to be a positive aroma, sharing the fragrance of Christ.
Another year has passed and we are now 25 years into the new Millennium. A new year gives us the opportunity to look back with thankfulness for the blessings and work completed in the past year.
In GBNI we have been blessed with so much and now as we look forward, with hope and expectation for the year ahead, let us do so by praying for God’s grace to guide and use us all as positive light and fragrance in our companies.
Christmas has just passed, and growing up as the daughter of a greengrocer, one of the first new products of the new year were marmalade oranges. When I see these rather unattractive Seville marmalade oranges in the shops, it brings me back to my childhood with my mum making marmalade. Last year, I managed to persuade her to supervise as I tried my hand at it. The aroma of those oranges bubbling away awakened so many memories. Smells can do that so easily – clementines and satsumas in my head signify Christmas, and no doubt you have your own aromas which awaken memories for you too.
In the Bible we are encouraged to spend more time in God’s presence, as this is the only way to get to know Him and become more like Him - the closer we get to Jesus, the more we smell like Him.
Mary anointing Jesus is a wonderful picture of this process. When Mary Magdalene takes expensive oil and uses her hands and hair to cover Jesus’ hands, feet, and head with oil, the Bible says that the whole house was filled with its smell. No doubt Mary too smelt of this oil. It was a clear indication of her love and devotion to Christ.

Our Girls’ Brigade year flies by. In all the business of our GB nights, let us at the beginning of this year, ask for God’s sustaining power and grace in His service, praying He will use us as a sweet aroma, a positive witness for Christ amongst our girls. Let us all aim, by spending time with Jesus, to grow closer to God, so that we will strengthen His aroma in each of us, so that we can, as a pleasing fragrance, be a fruitful witness for Christ in our companies.
May God grant us all the strength, grace and direction to work together to be positive role models in our companies so that we inspire the girls and young women we encounter to be the best version of themselves; they can be and help us to show that following Jesus is a worthwhile, attractive foundation for their lives. Praying we will all be a positive witness, not only through what we say, but in our actions and interactions into 2025 and beyond.
I wish you a fruitful new year guided by Christ as we continue to follow His call to Rise in Strength and Make Disciples.
Isobel McKane
GBNI President