For Chaplains
Start a Girls' Brigade - Information for Chaplains
GB can help you reach girls and their families within your local community.
We aim to work in close partnership with our churches/missions so that together we can encourage girls aged 3-18 to Seek, Serve, and Follow Christ. We want GB to work for your church and to integrate completely with your entire youth and children's ministry programmes and overall church outreach and mission plans.
Girls' Brigade has a long heritage of Christian witness in NI. We want to make sure that this legacy continues but in an ever-evolving way, embracing relevant ways to reach each new generation.
Is there something you would like to see different in GB?
We want GB to be a flexible model to work for your church in your local area. We are here to listen to your needs. Contact the GBNI National Secretary if you have any queries or suggestions on how we can support you further.
Our vision in GBNI is to be a relevant, dynamic, Christ-centred organisation, reaching out to all girls to value, nurture and equip them for life.
The GB programme should be well structured and balanced; to include
Spiritual - Bible teaching
Physical - sports, dance, and team games
Educational - badgework topics
Service - in church and community
All companies must allocate enough 'time out' during their GB evening for the teaching of God's Word using our GB Scripture Courses. In recent years, we have worked extremely hard to ensure our Bible teaching material is scripturally accurate, faithful and presented in a lively, modern, relevant way to our girls. There is enough material in this resource for Bible class each week of the GB session. Click here to read more about our current GB Scripture Course.