Training for Leaders
GBNI provides a wide range of in-house training and workshops to assist its volunteers. It also provides a bespoke Officer and Sub-Officer training course.
Training Opportunities
It is part of the Girls’ Brigade policy that, once recruited, all volunteers should be well-informed, trained, supervised, and supported. Once recruited by the local church, all volunteers will have access to training offered by GBNI.
In-Service Training Courses
Volunteers are encouraged to update and develop their skills and knowledge regularly through participation in in-service training. This includes workshops and training events offered by GBNI (centrally or at district level), or through external providers such as the Education Authority.
Courses range from competition workshops, dementia, mental health, First Aid, GDPR, New Captains, Risk Assessment and camp. Most courses are open to both Officers and Associates and are regularly promoted in the GBNI Newsletter, eNews and Social Media Platforms. Places can be booked via 'Upcoming Events' when available.