
Pause for Thought - August 2024

It’s hard to believe that in a few short weeks, GB will be back – eek! Where did the summer go? I think we say this every year (I’m sure Teachers are the same!) that it’s really no length of time since GB and schools finished!

I’m sure many of you have headed away on holiday, perhaps abroad or closer to home; spending time with family and catching up with friends. I too took a wee break away to the sun, as someone who goes red, pink and white again, I may as well stay at home!

One of the places I love the best is pottering in my garden. I really don’t like dealing with those pesky slugs and snails – that seem to eat their way through my flowers and plants at a rate of knots, despite my daily inspections!

There is a framed embroidery by my late Granny, a lady who used to grow the most magnificent, sweet peas. To me as a child, they were as tall as church steeples. This little embroidery hangs in the front porch, close to the garden, which says:

“In a garden green and gay

All my troubles fade away

Sweet contentment here I find

Joy of heart and peace of mind”

Pause for Thought - August 2024

The Bible has over 60 references to gardens from the Garden of Eden

“Then God said ‘Let the land produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’"

Genesis 1:11

to the Garden of Gethsemane and the Empty Tomb where Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene.

Although God has provided food and clothing for mankind; it is His written Word which really nourishes us; John 6:35 reminds us:

“I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”

When we feed ourselves with God’s Word and when we wait upon Him who knows our every need, we begin to develop a closer relationship with Him. God cleanses us from the inside out and we become enriched by his spiritual nourishment.

Spending time in prayer by talking to God, starts our day by committing it to Him. Telling Him the things that trouble us or just to telling Him about our day, God always loves to hear from us.

I use my time travelling to work praying, sometimes that prayer includes random people on the streets. The word ‘prayer’ stands for ‘a personal communication for a petition addressed to a deity, especially in the form of supplication, adoration, praise, contrition or thanksgiving’.

“Our children Lord in faith and prayer, we now devote to Thee” is the first line of a hymn usually sung at baptisms. Whilst we pray for the girls in our GB as they mature, we also teach them how to pray too. As we pray for our GB girls, we pray that they would know His blessing, guidance and hand upon their lives as they receive not only the food from His bounteous gardens, but that they may receive His spiritual nourishment and grow in faith too.

I wish you all well as you plan your incoming GB session. May God enrich your lives as you ‘Seek, Serve and Follow Christ’.

Now I’m back out to the garden to look for those slugs and snails, making sure they are not eating the fruit for the jams or puddings or the leaves of the winter vegetables!


Heather Lindsay

GBNI Vice-President

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