
Our Policies

Girls’ Brigade NI is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our members so that they can participate in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.

Policies and guidelines we operate under

For Parents

Girls’ Brigade NI (GBNI) is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our members so that they can participate in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.

GBNI and the local church provide training to volunteers and staff on child protection issues and share information about good practice on an on-going basis.  Ensuring that volunteers and staff are clear about what steps to take where concerns arise regarding the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults..

GBNI works with local churches to ensure that good, safe procedures are in place in GB companies and in particular that sound recruitment procedures are in place.  We also work in partnership with parents/carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.  All volunteers and staff in GBNI are expected to be fully vetted for their roles within the organisation.

GBNI works alongside its volunteers and staff to minimise the risks to children, young people and vulnerable adults by sharing information and issuing guidance on safe practice.   

If you would like to report a concern, you can either speak directly with your Church Designated Child Protection Officer or you can contact our GBNI Designate Child Protection Officer by calling 028 9454 8054.

For Leaders

The following policies are available for download from the Leaders' Section or you can speak with the Company Captain to view a hard copy kept on file:
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Copyright Guidelines
  • Recruiting New Volunteers or Staff Procedures
  • Equal Opportunities Policy for Volunteers 
  • Code of Behaviour
  • General Safety and Management of Activities
  • Guidelines for Camps and Outings
  • Transport Policy
  • Video and Photograph Guidelines
  • Fair Play Code
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Drugs Awareness and Education Policy
  • Disability Policy for Members
  • Supporting Children with Medication Needs Policy
  • Intimate Care Policy for Working with Children
  • Social Networking Policy and Guidance for Leaders
  • Sharing Information
  • Complaints Procedure
  • Video Conferencing Policy and Guidance for Leaders
  • Door Control and Security Policy

Alternatively, contact us for details of any of the above policies and guidelines.

GBNI Safeguarding Team


Isobel McKane

GBNI PRESIDENT AND Designated Child Protection Officer

Heather Lindsay

Gbni Vice-President

Gail Clarke

Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer

Tracey Davies

Gbni Chairperson

Tracey Erskine

GBNI Trustee Board Member

Martha Brennan

Training Manager

These people can be contacted through GBNI HQ on 028 9454 8054