
Recruitment of New Leaders

GBNI provides guidelines to local companies on recruiting new leaders.  Ensuring consistency across all GB companies.

Guidelines for Volunteer Roles

Guidelines for volunteer roles in GB are provided in the ‘GBNI Safeguarding Policies Pack’ or can be viewed online via the Leaders’ Section.  This includes a list of generic requirements that apply to all roles followed by guidance on specific roles.  When recruiting leaders, it is recommended that you use our role descriptions as a guide and add points to suit your company/church.  Please do not alter what is already on the role guidelines, but you may add to the list of responsibilities to suit your local situation.  This ensures a level of consistency among our companies and provides for volunteers who wish to widen their roles to include work for their district or GBNI.  All roles are ‘regulated positions’ and therefore subject to the necessary Enhanced Disclosure Checks with AccessNI.

General Points:
  • Appointments of GB leaders are made and approved by the local church.  Volunteers are accountable to the local church.

  • Church recruitment and selection procedures are to be followed for the appointment of volunteers.  Those procedures must include the steps outlined in the procedure opposite.

  • All leadership roles that fit the definition of ‘regulated activity’ will be subject to background checks through AccessNI (to be processed according to church procedure).  A definition of regulated activity is provided above.

  • Most roles in GB companies fit the definitions of regulated activity and, therefore, will need AccessNI checks.

  • Young helpers/leaders aged 16 and 17 do not need to be checked and should work under the supervision of an adult leader.

  • The church will supply to GBNI the names and contact details of all the volunteers following their appointment and confirm that new leaders have been AccessNI checked.  This is done through the submission of annual returns in 'My Brigade'.

  • If GBNI has concerns that certain practices breach child protection guidelines, such concerns should be raised with the Company Captain and/or the Company Chaplain.  If the concerns are not satisfactorily dealt with GBNI may withdraw affiliation from that company.

Procedure for Recruiting New Leaders:

Identify a need:

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The Captain should advise the Chaplain of the need for a new leader or her wish to approach someone as a potential leader.

Define the Role:

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The role of a new leader should be thought through and defined.  (See GBNI Role Descriptions CP Form 01-2022).  This will also help you decide if the role is considered to be a ‘regulated activity’.


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The need for a new leader can be advertised within the church or a potential volunteer approached.  The Company Chaplain and Captain should work together on this.

Application Form:

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This is to allow prospective leaders to provide relevant information, which is to be treated in confidence.  Use the GBNI Volunteer Application Form CP Form 04-2022.  Completed forms should be kept in a safe place by the designated person in the church.  Only the Chaplain, Captain and designated person should see the forms.

Declaration Form:

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All potential new leaders will be asked to declare any past criminal convictions, and cases pending against them, or any investigation of a complaint that is unresolved.


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The Captain and Chaplain should meet the potential new leader to chat about the role, responsibilities, and where the leader might fit in.  The Safeguarding Policy and AccessNI process can be explained, and identification checked.  The recommendation from the meeting should be recorded on the applicant’s form.


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The names of two referees should be given by the applicant.  The referees should not be family members.  Where appropriate, references should be sought from their place of worship, preferably from someone who has had first-hand knowledge of their previous work with children/young people.  References should be followed up by the Chaplain/designated person (or use a church reference form or CP Form 04-2022).


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Background checks have to be requested for all new leaders through a body registered with AccessNI e.g. through PCI, MCI or CofI offices.  Forms are available from registered bodies and should be processed according to their guidelines.  Once a clear check has been confirmed, the countersignatory should inform the church leadership that the leader is available to take up their role.


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The church leadership body should receive the recommendation from the interview and Enhanced Disclosure Certificate to make the final appointment decision.


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An induction process should take place, including familiarising the new leader with both the church and GBNI Safeguarding Policy and Health and Safety Policy, introduction to other leaders, children, parents etc.  The new leader should give a written acknowledgement that they have received a copy of church/company policies.

Trial Period:

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Appointment should be conditional on the successful completion of a trial period (usually six months).  There should be a facility for a yearly review of all leaders.  In particular, the following areas should be considered: reliability, trust, relationships with children, parents, and other leaders, contribution to the organisation and cooperation with the team.  Review should always be carried out within a positive framework.

Uncertainty about the suitability of a potential leader

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If there is any uncertainty about the suitability of a candidate, the Chaplain must be consulted.  The applicant should be made aware of what is happening and asked whether they consent to a further interview, should this be deemed necessary.

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