An award for over 50s
The Discovery Award
The idea was formed in 1987 during an adventure weekend for over 50’s run by Tayside Outdoor Education Service. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Adviser from Dundee, an Outdoor Community Education Worker and six enthusiastic men and women put together a programme of activity and self-development and the Discovery Award was born!
The Award is open to all, regardless of status, state of health and level of ability. At present the oldest participant is well over 80 years old. Provided you are over 50 years of age, and you would like to accept this exciting and rewarding challenge, this Award is for YOU!
New strengths and hidden talents.
New interests, or new life in old ones.
New and interesting people.
The satisfaction of helping others.
The joy of unexpected achievement.
The Discovery Award is now nationwide with an increasing number of groups throughout the UK.