'Be Still' - AM GOD

You may or may not have heard of the Enneagram test.  For those who don't know what it is, the Enneagram is a series of numbers that sets out the typical characteristics of different personality types.  A couple of years ago, my sister got a book that looks at the Enneagram from a Christian perspective.  It talks about where each number can thrive or be "healthy", where they can fall or be "unhealthy, " and the steps they can take to be the best version of themselves.  After doing the test, I found that I am a number six.
Some of the typical characteristics of a number six are as follows:
  • Always imagining and planning for the worst;
  • Often don't trust people in authority;
  • Loyal and understanding to the people who are close to them;
  • Logical thinkers; and
  • More anxiety than most.
Of course, people of all personality types can worry, it's a natural aspect of being human that we worry, but sixes have the potential of letting their fear overwhelm them.  Although a characteristic of a healthy six is being a logical thinker, they can easily slip into the habit of assuming the worst-case scenario and fearing the very worst.  I can think of several times in my life that I have let this happen.
Let me tell you a story – my parents were away on holiday, and my sisters and I stayed at home on our own.  One morning, we discovered a single black glove lying on the ground at the end of our driveway.  My head, perhaps because I'm a six, jumped to the conclusion that the only possible explanation for this was that a thief had tried to break into our house the night before and accidentally dropped their glove while making a quick get-away.  Looking back now, it sounds like I was crazy, and this so-called "thief" probably wasn't very successful if he was dropping clues at the end of his victims' driveways!  However, at the time, the fear overwhelmed me!  I couldn't stop thinking about it for days!  My biggest mistake was that I tried to fix the problem myself – I took matters into my own hands – triple checking that all doors and windows were locked.  Instead, I should have prayed about it.  I should have realised that God could help me to overcome my fear.  None of our fears are too silly or simple for God to help us with them.  He just wants us to approach Him and seek His guidance.
It's in times when we are worried that we need to be directed back to verses like Psalm 46:10 – "Be still and know that I Am God".  What is the point in worrying when the creator of the universe is right by my side?  What is the point in worrying when God knows everything about me, my inner thoughts, and my situation?  It's so easy to be anything but "still".  We busy around and rarely take the time to be still and spend time alone with God, yet the very act of being still and thinking about who God is, would calm our fears, focus our thoughts, and still our hearts.  God is in control of EVERY situation, and He is working all things for our good, whether we can see it at the time or not.
Maybe you've found the past year a worrying and anxious time, and I'm sure most people would agree with you for many different reasons.  We can find peace in that, although the world situation changes minute-by-minute and day-by-day, God hasn't changed, and He never will.  He will always love us unconditionally, He will always care about us without measure, and He will always be right by our side.
If you keep your focus on God, when you are fearful about what the future holds, you can take peace from knowing that you are a precious and loved child of God.
"I won't be afraid for You are here
You silence all my fear
I won't be afraid; You don't let go
Be still my heart and know
I won't be afraid."

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