But what about...prayer?

5 steps to prayer.  I don’t know about you but one of my favourite things to do is talk!  I love talking about anything and everything.  How easy do you find it to talk to God?  Here are a five short steps you might find helpful!
  1. Say hello
When you walk into a room or answer a phone you always start your conversation with “Hello.” Just like we say hello to our friends we should also say hello to God! This is a moment for us to acknowledge we are speaking to God. In Psalm 46:10 it says “Be still, and know that I am God.”
  1. Be yourself
If you can't be yourself with God then when can you be yourself? God loves us just as we are! He created us all so differently so that we would be our own person. Come to God just as you are no matter how defeated or low you feel.
  1. Ask for help
The disciples asked Jesus for help praying and that’s exactly what we should do! God will provide and we can ask Him for help and He will give us what we need to grow. In Matthew it says “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find.” By asking for help we will find the answer through God’s help! Ask for God’s forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings.
  1. Stop!
Take time out of this busy world and out of your busy schedule. Praying can happen ANYWHERE! Take just 10 quiet minutes to yourself to bring yourself back down to earth and speaking to God does not take a long time! Turn off all the distractions such as phone, TV and computer. Keep God at the centre of everything you do.
  1. Practice makes perfect!
There is no right or wrong way to talk to God however, talking to God regularly will give you confidence to pray! Prayer is so powerful – do not underestimate what God can do! Pray to Him regularly even if you feel that He won't listen. God will always listen to your prayers!
I pray that you find this of some benefit and you fall in love with God – maybe for the first time or maybe refreshing the relationship! God is there through the good, bad and the ugly! He will always be with you for the rest of your life.

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