Prayer Points Mar 2020

March 2020

Unite in prayer - Coronavirus

We have put together a few prayer requests to help guide you as you pray for the Girls’ Brigade ministry at this time.  We would really appreciate if you could share this around your district.

Please pray for:

  • Our GB girls- many of whom may be feeling unsettled and overwhelmed by all that is going on.  Pray God would remind them to look to Him during this time of uncertainty and that they would grow in their relationship with Him.  Pray particularly for those girls who were due to sit important exams and are feeling anxious and worried.  Pray they would be confident in the assurance that God is in control and has plans to prosper them and not to harm them.
  • Everyone’s health and safety particularly for anyone in our GB family who is currently unwell due to the infection.   Also for those within our GB family who are vulnerable and at risk and may have underlying health conditions.
  • In relation to the relentless spread of Covid19, our prayer is simple, Father, if you are willing, remove it from us.
  • Our Officers and leaders who are seeking creative ways to continue to disciple and nurture our girls during these uncertain days.  Give those leaders wisdom and guidance as to how they can do this effectively and safely.
  • Those in our GB family who are health professionals.  Give thanks for their commitment to their job and for the skill which God has given them. Pray for peace for them as they treat patients and for protection over them and their family.
  • Those in our GB family who are negatively impacted by the consequences and fall out from this outbreak. 
  • Parents of our GB girls.  Pray for those parents who are struggling with childcare arrangements and decisions affecting their family.  
  • GB leadership.  Pray for wisdom, discernment and God’s leading as they navigate us through this time.
  • GB staff.  Pray God would continue to equip them and give them creativity and guidance as they plan ahead for the next session and also pray for safety and protection over them.
  • Our church leaders as they discern how they can continue to pastor and disciple their members, as well as reaching out with the gospel to those in need within their community.  Pray for God to use this as an opportunity to grow His church and for opportunities to reach those who we wouldn’t normally come in contact with.
  • Government leaders.  Pray for wisdom, discernment, clarity and the right strategies as they make difficult decisions that impact on our way of life.

Let us remember to continue to give thanks to our Heavenly Father who is good and is in control and is not caught off guard by this outbreak. Let’s, in these days, continue to seek Him with all of our hearts knowing that He hears our prayers and responds to the cries of our hearts.